
It is a very powerful stone when it comes to soothing and relaxing the emotional body.
It is the stone of peace, truth,harmony, and communication It is called the "Peacemaker stone"
It is a gentle stimulating stone and and  a extremely protective stone. Each stone has its unique qualities....
Plays the role of protector,guide,and teacher  It reinforces self worth and Self esteem.   Size  10.5cm  x   x...
Plays the role of  protector, guide, a n d teacher  It reinforces self worth and self esteem  Size ...
It is known for its healing vibrations   It is a stone that radiates positive energies that inspire good...
Known for its healing vibrations. It is a stone that radiates positive energies that inspire good decision making...
It is only found in Western Australia. It is a Stabilising stone.  Size  19.5cm x  11 cm
From Shark Bay Western Australia Size 26.5cm x  14cm Around 3.5 billion years old
It is a protective and calming stone. Brings traquility and is a supreme nurturer. Each stone is chosen...
Enhances joy,peace, and oneness. Clears blockages and imbalances. Raises your energy vibrations. Master Healer. Each stone is chosen...
It will uplift your feelings. It in stressful times help enhance your tolerance, trust,and  understanding. Size  5cm x...