Plays the role of protector,guide,and teacher It reinforces self worth and Self esteem. Size 10.5cm x x...
Plays the role of protector, guide, a n d teacher It reinforces self worth and self esteem Size ...
It is known for its healing vibrations It is a stone that radiates positive energies that inspire good...
Brass look backflow incense burner . Place incense Cone on top and watch the smoke flow down Backflow...
It is only found in Western Australia.
It is a Stabilising stone.
Size 19.5cm x 11 cm
From Shark Bay Western Australia
Size 26.5cm x 14cm
Around 3.5 billion years old
A Maniesfation Law of Attraction Jornal. An intuitive and guided process to define your desires and manifest your...
By Jayne Wallace 78 Card Deck and 64 Page Book The deck will tap into messages sent from...
Ceramic Smudge Bowl for holding Sage and catching cinders.
Feathered Dreamcatcher design on a cream coloured Bowl.