
925 Sterling Silver  Inlaid with Black Onyx For protection .
Gold top Pentagram Box 15cm x 10cm  Sheeshsm Wood
Coffee /Tea Cup
Peweter Magick of Spirit The five points represent  Fire,Earth,Air,Wind and Spirit. Surrounded by the circle of Infinity,and eternity...
925 Sterling Silver Size  11 A five point star that symbolises the five elements of live and protection...
925 Sterling Silver Size 8
925 Sterling Silver The piece is perfect for protection and brings calm.  
925vSterling Silver Size 8
Make in Australia by Bramble Bay  Soy Candle Scented with the fragrance of Raspberry and Warm Vanilla
It is one of the best stones for anxiety as it encourages  emotional  healing
Made of Pewter Ganesha overcome obstacles in your life.